Where Are They Now – Gregory Nazarewycz

For 53 years, GCDC has been an important element in the lives of thousands of children as they learn and grow. Some families keep in touch and others have moved on to start their lives near and far, but the GCDC staff never forget those small people and wonder how they are doing?

Recently we have been in touch with Gregory Nazarewycz who attended GCDC, beginning in the first grade, at Dorothy Bullock School.

Greg said he remembers loving arts & crafts and especially time spent in the gym, playing basketball, races and any other games that he could be an active participant in.

Greg said he stayed with GCDC, as a student, until he was in the Intermediate School. His parents worked and he needed something to do after school so at 16, he became a Counselor-in-Training (CIT) so he could still spend time with his GCDC leaders who he knew cared about him and whom he considered friends.

Greg said his duties were helping full-time staff pass out lunches, helping to carry out arts and craft activities and spending time with the younger kids.

Greg eventually became a full-time staff member and worked with GCDC’s RASKEL program. He remembers the kids being fun to be around and he loved to watch them have a good time after school. The other staff were friendly with him, so he liked to come to work each day.

Greg feels as though working at GCDC gave him a good basis for how to handle stressful situations and how to plan his day, with a Plan B alternative, in case the day takes a different turn.
Today Greg is a Software Developer for a Government Contract and is enjoying a successful adult life.